If it weren’t for our volunteers, much of the ministry around Montage simply wouldn’t happen. We have an incredible church filled with people who love to roll up their sleeves. But we also value moderation—in many of our ministries we have our volunteers serve for one month, then take a month off, so people don’t get burned out. After all, we want ministry to be a blessing, not a burden. This also ensures we are team-oriented and try to have as many people plugged into ministries as possible.

Every believer has been given at least one spiritual gift (Eph. 4, I Pet. 4, Rom. 12, I Cor. 12-14). Our gifts are to be used to build up the Body of Christ. While there are numerous ways to serve here at Montage, below are a few specific places you might look at to get started.

prayer team

Our prayer team consists of men and women who love God and care for people through prayer. They pray throughout the week as requests come in, as well as two or three team members gathering together every Sunday morning before service (on a rotational basis).

If you are interested in joining the Prayer Team, please contact Annie Durbin

children's ministry

We love kids at Montage! We also love pouring our lives into that next generation and seeing how God shapes their young lives for His glory. Every week, a lead teacher and their helper(s) minister to our kids from the nursery all the way up to 6th grade.


To learn more about serving in this ministry, please email

welcoming team

A friendly smile and an outstretched hand can go a long way towards brightening someone’s day and sharing Christ’s love to all who visit. Our welcoming team provides an essential point of contact with people who walk through our doors. They also make sure the place looks great and coffee is ready!


To learn how you can serve in this ministry, please email

music ministry

Vocalists and instrumentalists who want to serve the Lord will always be welcome here at Montage. Our heartbeat for theologically sound, multicultural music is reflected in the diversity of genres and songs heard on any given Sunday.


If you are musically inclined and would like to be part of a team that produces church participants instead of spectators, please email Director of Worship Arts, Sam Vijarro.

audio visual (A/V) Team

The A/V team is critical for helping Sundays run smoothly, helping to provide people the best possible experience during service. We have a number of people willing to provide you the training required to serve on the A/V team (sound, lighting, videography, etc.).


If you are interested in serving on the A/V team, please email our Director of Worship Arts, Sam Vijarro.

hospitality team

There are certain times throughout the year when we provide food after service on beautifully themed tablescapes. If you have an eye for design or if you like to bake, we would love to have you serve in this ministry when the need arises.


If you’re interested in serving in this ministry, please contact us at

facilities HELP

Keeping up a facility and making improvements takes a lot of work! We do quarterly men's work parties to help with projects, but there's always more to be done.

If you are a handyman (or handy woman) for either indoor or outdoor projects and would like to help, contact Men's Ministry Director Dan Moore.